The Bittersweet Season of Autumn

We are in the full swing of Fall. Autumn is a beautiful season, but it also has a shadow side. It is the harbinger of winter. The trees, especially in the Northeastern US, shine and sparkle with spectacular colors of golds, oranges and reds. This splendor celebrates the peak of harvest and is a feast for all of the senses. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches.

Photo by Tiffany Spaulding

Symphony of Color

For a brief period of time, the landscape is a symphony of color. Birch leaves turning beautiful golds, maples look like they’ve been splashed with oranges and reds, and the evergreens provide a wonderful contrast with their dark green needles. I like to think of this time of year as a celebration of all the different trees. They each get to dance and delight in their unique color. During the summer, they all are the same shade of green, but in the fall, they get starring roles in the tree cabaret.

The sounds of the wind rustling these gorgeous leaves, loosening the tree’s hold on them as they fall delicately to the ground. That cool, dry air tickles the skin as the breeze blows across any exposed skin. Most of us start to wear long sleeves and snuggly jackets.

Photo by Tiffany Spaulding

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

And of course, everything smells and tastes of pumpkin spice, or my favorite, apples and cinnamon! I just made an apple crisp and the entire thing was devoured in less than 24 hours (by more than just me!). I did not even have to find room for it in the refrigerator. While we have this sensation overload happening, few stop to see the shadow side until we are surrounded by it.

Party In The Front, Business In The Back

Ha… the mantra of the mullet. What does that have to do with any of this? Because at the front side of Autumn, we celebrate a spectacular season, the party. But the back side of the season, is all business. The business of getting ready for winter. Where I live, Halloween seems to be the tipping point. The party is over and it is time to get down to business. This season is all about letting go of what we no longer need, and preparing for a stark few months ahead. As I post this, we are halfway through October, and the party is in full swing, so enjoy every moment of it. Bob for apples, (does anyone still do that?) celebrate the harvest and revel in the pumpkin spice… or apples and cinnamon.