Kiss My Glass!

My journey into the world of stained and fused glass began with waking up one day possessed to take a stained glass class. What’s funny, is that I did not own any, no one in my family worked with glass, nor did I have any prior interest in stained glass. It was quite the random medium for me to be pursuing. I am convinced it was divine intervention… or the universe saying Kiss My Glass!

My first glass piece!

I was lucky enough to find a wonderful studio two towns over that had an ongoing Saturday morning class. Once I started, I was hooked. My inspiration for it comes from all over and lately, I’m being nudged to make some night scenes and lights. That is where my inspiration is leading me. I find that fascinating, because that is where it all started… with this light here! Maybe I am coming full circle. Anywho… check out this archive and I’ll be posting more soon!

Gallery of Glass